Monday, May 2, 2011

Evening Hunt Saturday April 30th

After hunting with Austin and finding success it was now my turn and the pressure was on even more-so now. We spent the afternoon shooting .22 off the deck and just sort of hanging out. I still have tags burning holes in my pocket so I went out for an evening hunt. I got to the top of a ridge and walked down the lane placing my decoy somewhere random. I hunker up to a double stemmed white oak and made myself comfortable. This was right up there with one of the most relaxing hunts I have ever been on. I counted twenty different birds, fifteen different plant species, and that's not including the ones I don't know. I of course in short fashion fell right asleep. There were no dogs barking, no four-wheelers, just the woods.At dark I went back down to the cabin and the guys were gone to the bath house and wouldn't be back for a bit. I sat out by the pond and listened to the woods. An owl hooted thus helping me pinpoint the shock gobbles for tomorrow morning. There was a whip-poor-will in the woods behind me and that was the first one I have heard. When I turned around there was a deer standing right in front of the Buick not 15 yards away. What a day.

Stay Tuned

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