Friday, January 2, 2015

Mocha Round 2

After telling Nick about my en devour with the Mocha dog we decided we should meet up on the same property and try another round. We walked the prairie and there were nests everywhere but no birds. Nick decided the weedy cut corn across the road was our best bet. We slow gridded it and saw a ton of birds in the plowed corn out ahead about 300 yards. Nick was short on time so we kiddy cornered the field to make it back to the truck. We did manage to flush a rooster and Nick took his time and made Mocha proud.

We left to walk one more quick property before Nick had to leave. We came up without a bird but it was great to walk with Nick again. He also convinced me to go back to the cut corn and walk the corner we neglected. After gridding one down and back I just listened to Nick's advice and I just let Mocha do her thing. I would follow her as she worked into the wind. Finally she caught wind of one and flushed a hen. She was on fire now! She worked circles around the area where the hen was before we found the other one. He flushed wild behind both of us at about 10 yards. My first shot missed but my follow up pasted him and there was no chasing that bird around the stubble.
We walked around a little more and but I was tired and so was the dog. As we were walking down the rows Mocha managed to find a rabbit. Being on the ground I didn't want to shoot with Mocha so close so I waited until he was damn near 70 yards out. My first shot was a hail mary and missed. As he rounded the corner at the end of the field I took another pop and somehow stopped him. He needed another so we got a little closer and I took another.

I had some shells that Dad reloaded years ago and I thought I blew the barrel right off of my gun. Whatever it was, it flattened that rabbit at 60 yards.

I've said it once and I will say it again, Dad; thank you for this dog!

Stay Tuned

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