Friday, December 12, 2014

Mocha: My Champion

I know it was difficult for my dad to let this pup go, but I cannot believe how much I love this dog. She has been really antzy lately and I just couldn't for the life of me figure out what her deal has been. I decided it may be a good idea to try my luck at a rooster with Mocha. I had permission from Nick to hunt the dove field and I figured with what snow we had melted off, there may just be a bird in there.

When I got there, the vibe was anything but optimistic. It was patchy and thin, and with it being mid December I wondered if it was worth the gas. Once we started walking, I could see this was a good thing. The pup needed to run!
We pulled a loop around the field along the fenceline and came up with nothing, although there is a significant amount of fox and coyote activity out there. As we came to the end of the loop I figured we would walk our way to the old dove blind. About halfway there Mocha gets birdy.

She takes off like a streak and I am off to the races. I knew that if I kept up with her I had a chance. She kept quartering back, and then would take off again. I then watch as she sees what she is after. When she wants to, that dog can BOOK IT!

I see a rooster running about a foot from her face before he flushes. He cackles when he flushes and Mocha stops. Surprisingly, I took my time for Mocha's sake and I drop him with one shot.

Mocha takes off again. I knocked him down but Mocha was off to the races again. It took her 20 yards to catch up with her rooster.

We were on cloud 9!
After our only pic (forgot the damn camera at home), We stood up and walked around a bit more. About 20 feet from where we dropped the bird, Mocha flushes another one. I did not get a great view of it so I let it sail away.

We left this spot more successful than I could have even thought.
We did end up trying our luck at another spot near home. Again, Mocha took off and it was all I could do to keep up. This bird however, was a public land bird and flushed at about 40 yards. I threw some haymakers but did not pull him down. We did flush another hen on our way out but with a magnitude of snakegrass, we were beat.
At home I tried my best to get some pics with my pup.

Thanks Dad. I love this pup.

Stay Tuned

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