Friday, March 23, 2018

The Magic Phone

The weekend of Dad's birthday came with another opportunity to get on the ice and hopefully find some of these fabled walleyes everyone gets in a tizzy about. Dad came up Thursday night as a basketball tournament in Aberdeen filled every hotel in a 100 mile radius. Friday morning we did some chores and finished what work we needed to for the week. We would enjoy ourselves far more if our ducks were in a row before we went fishing.

About noon we finally pulled it and headed out to Indian. I have been able to find a few walleyes out there and was hoping to put Dad on one in the next day or two. I of course set up mostly for pike, but with two guys we were able to spread things out quite nicely. I scouted out a spot earlier in the year and had a good vibe about it for this trip. I'm not going to say my vibe was worthless, but the fishing was slow. We picked up a few pike on one set rod, but other than that we had not tripped anything else for the better part of two hours. 

Dad was on the phone with a client, and I was on the phone with Nick when I told him when would likely move. At that moment I look over and see my jawjacker rod doubling over. I motioned for Dad, but he was not able to get away from this call. I hauled over and grabbed the rod. I knew it was a waldo before I even grabbed it. I looked down the hole and saw a DANDY walleye coming up the hole. Because of my facemask, I was still on the phone with Nick as I pulled out our first walleye of the day!

We sat and discussed our options again as there just did not seem to be anything spectacular happening at this spot besides the one good waldo. I drilled a dozen more holes and we tried to branch out a little further yet but this did not seem to improve anything either. 

Again, Dad's phone rang and a client call ensued. This is the greatest calling card to getting a bite. Almost as good as taking a pee, or getting a sandwich. Of course, up tips another set rod. I motion to Dad again, but he waves me off. It was my turn but again I knew this was a walleye and I wanted Dad to take it. With no time to spare I ran up to the rod and watched as the line slowly spooled off the reel. I closed the bail, and set the hook.... This was a heavier fish than the last one, and even in shallow water, it took me a few minutes before I even got a look at it. At this point Dad hung up on the call and was at the hole with me. The first flash of gold proved another slob waldo. As I slowly guided her up the hole, we both reached for her as we didn't want this one getting away. 

I had a little bit of guilt that I brought Dad out here to fish, and he was busy on the phone every time a rod went off. I knew if I could buy us a little more time with the Mrs., we would still be able to get Dad on a waldo. As our daylight was starting to fade, and we were starting to think more about food and less about fish, the set rod went off once again. This time it was Dad's chance at a waldo. As he set the hook it was no doubt that it was another nice walleye! With some fair playing, Dad got her to the hole, and we pulled up a fatty.

This was what we were both hoping for to end our day on the ice. It just couldn't get better. Dad's phone is like some magical portal into the minds of the fish that know he is preoccupied. As I began collecting lines, Dad called back the client from earlier, and wouldn't you have it, the pike rod in shallow tipped over. 


After slipping this slimer back in, it was time to pack it up and call it a day. We were exhausted from bucking the wind all day and were starving. In a stumbling stupor, we managed to make some pan-fried fresh walleye. It was mere minutes after eating we went to bed. Tomorrow is another day, and Paul and Adam were to join in on the fun.

Stay Tuned 

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