Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Lake of Many Moods

After a slow, but productive afternoon on the ice, we still had the weekend ahead of us. With the storm fizzling out, Paul and Adam we going to join us back out on the lake. The night before, Kyle texted and asked if he could join us. The more the merrier!

We started Saturday on a different spot as I had a better vibe and knew the spot a little better. Boy was I wrong...

We spent the better part of two hours there with little to show for it. Kyle was running late, but the second he showed up we had two flag go. Being Dad's birthday, I decided I would be nice and let him take it. When he set the hook, it took off an a good run and we knew we had a better fish. As we got it into the hole we looked over to see another flag up. As soon as she was flopping on the ice, Kyle and I hauled over to it....Swing and a miss.... Dad got his unhooked and measured at a respectable 32".

I ended up missing two more flags on this spot before we decided this was just not working out. Kyle caught a few on his tippers but nothing to write home about. The decision was made to go back to where we were fishing yesterday before Paul and Adam got here. We made the quick transition and started busting up holes and Kyle drilled a bunch more for himself. I tried redrilling one of the holes and in one quick touch of the throttle, I snapped the bolt holding auger onto the powerhead....


I had Kyle tap me a few extra holes and we rigged back up. Shortly after getting set up, Paul and Adam came around the corner on their snowmobile. In true Paul fashion, two holes were drilled right where they stopped. We managed a few more pike this time in this spot, but again, there was nothing really over the top. Despite the lack of quantity, the company was exemplary.

Things were starting to look dim for our chance at a waldo when one of Kyle's tippers went off. He had only deadbait for pike on all of his tippers so it came as a great surprise to all of us when he pulled up a STOUT walleye on one of his dead smelt.

Things were starting to pick up a bit and there were mini flurries on our tippers. Kyle found what we thought was going to be a giant pike, ended up being a super fat 33".

We fished until almost 7pm before we decided to finally pull the plug. I was a little perplexed as to why we did not find more fish. As Adam has indicated, this lake is probably the most frustrating lake ever. Hot one day, dead the next.

We proved that theory by fishing again Sunday morning and didn't so much as get a bite. It was the dead sea...

As spring approaches, so does the unpredictable weather, and the waning chances to get on ice. We also have baby Livermore getting sick of the lack of leg room.

Stay Tuned

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