Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Slow Fishing with the Goons

As this ice season has progressed, the slow bite continues to be the trend. When Nick, Lisa, Sawyer, and Ethan came up for a weekend visit, we tried our best as usual to get on something. The weather was far from cooperative to begin, and the fish followed suit.

We started our outing on Cottonwood, which turned into a debacle from the get-go. We managed to break a rod on Paul's giant thermal tent, the auger kept rattling itself apart, and we only managed one dinker pike in three hours time. There was no vibe, and frankly we were frustrated already.

We made lunch and hung out at the house for a bit before regrouping and deciding to give Indian a try. We trekked out onto Indian and planted ourselves off of the the point I have caught so many fish. The auger was giving us fits again, and we even managed to suck one of the nuts into the piston... Ethan's mechanical inclination and Nick's ingenuity paired for an entertaining afternoon. They were able to extract the nut, and get the thing back in semi-working order.

Despite all of the trouble our karma was still in the red and the fishing was still super slow, but Ethan managed to smack a nice pike on his ultralight. Playing it cool as he always does, we were not skunked!!!

We fished until dark with nary another bite. I did manage to see a MONSTER waldo down my hole in the crystal clear water, but nothing was going to cooperate.

Back home we enjoyed the company of the ladies and a chubby Sawyer. That kid is already a hoot! this trip was going to be a little less about the fish and a little more about not bailing on the ladies and baby. It was great to hang out and chill for an evening. We don't get to do this that often, so we made the most of our time.

Sunday was another opportunity to find ourselves a fish. With some significant auger issues the day before, Adam came up and bailed us out with some of his equipment. We settled on a new spot, I hooked a nice pike and lost it, and the thundering hoards closed in on us (we would later find out all of the walleyes caught in the tournament that day were right where we started).

With help from Adam we pulled the plug and headed to the abyss. Nothing else was working so we figured we had nothing to lose.

Not. A. Fish.

We headed back to our point, and actually set up on a rock pile Adam knew about. It didn't seem to matter. The fish were not biting. We ended up pulling the plug on the day without a fish. I HATE getting skunked, especially with company. I have had some unbelievable fishing expeditions with these two guys, it was only a matter of time before we had a slow day.

That pike Ethan caught ended up being the only fish of the weekend. As disappointed as we were with the fishing, we made up for it with good company. We don't get to fish together very often and I always enjoy getting to fish with others. Hopefully we can get together again with the snow melts.

Stay Tuned

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