Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Striking Gold

Through the course of the winter, I fished with our local CO, Kyle. He has taken me out to few of his hot spots, and we have found a few decent fish, and had a few dud days. One opportunity came in the form of an un-named slough in the middle of nowhere. I still have no idea where it is.

I rode with him and we drove right out to the spot he fished the day before. It didn't take but a few minutes and we had lines going off. My new rod boards proved themselves right away with a nice 12 inch perch. A stud anywhere, this was the medium class for the body of water. Soon after, Kyle hooked into a slammer that went a little over 13.5". These were HUGE perch. Through the course of the morning we manage a half dozen or so each. Kyle managed his best rod and reel waldo about 11am.

While jigging the hot hole from earlier, I hooked into what we both thought was another decent walleye, and instead when I got her to the hole, it was a MONSTER perch. At 14.75", this was my largest perch to date! This perch was so big it didn't even look real. I knew the second she came through the hole, this fish was going on the wall.

We fished until early afternoon, and Kyle called it a day as he had some work he needed to do in town before the end of the day.

After fishing with Kyle, I of course headed back out to Indian for the evening bite. I did not catch any pike, and I lost seven or eight walleye on the jawjacker before finally playing one in. At 19.75, this was a perfect slot fish to end an already stellar day on the ice!

(The next day I got the flu: Karma's a heartless bitch).

Stay Tuned

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