Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tip-up Tutorials

Weekend of Jan 23rd Dad came up for a weekend to do some low-key fishing. We took our sweet time in the morning after making a nice breakfast. We set up the tent and fished Indian Springs for the better part of the day, to no avail. We tried everything from tip-ups to jigs and didn't even set one off. We made the executive decision to pull the plug and head over to the Antelope side of the lake and set up tippers for an evening fish. Not knowing much about the lake we set up tip-ups close to shore and then I drilled holes until I was blue in the face. We did not find anything other than 5 ft deep; the entire lake. As the sun set we decided to pull the plug for the day and head back home for dinner. As we neared our shoreline sets, two of our flag-less tippers were up... I grabbed one and it was empty, Dad grabbed the other assuming it was going to be the same, but fish on!!!


The next morning were decided to hit the easy-button and head right back to antelope. The action was not hot and heavy, but we did manage to learn some things about the lake while catching a few pike.

 As we were trying to prevent Dad's pike from swallowing the hook (we failed and she's in the freezer now...) the flag right behind us went off and I was able to haul in another one.

This outing was more about just getting out and spending some time together. Dad and both have an affinity for pike, and the tip-up style of fishing suites us well. We will continue to utilize this method in the future, and believe me, it produces!

Stay Tuned

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