Sunday, February 21, 2016

Bay Hoppin' Pike

I had the opportunity to take advantage of another weekend of fantastic weather, and as you may have guessed, it was ice fishing. Dad came up Friday evening, and we had our things ready to go for the morning fish.
After a quick breakfast we headed out. There was a tournament on Indian Springs on Saturday, but we forged ahead, hoping we could find somewhere away from the thundering hoards. When we got on the lake, we headed in the opposite direction of the train of four-wheelers headed out into the main lake. As usual Dad and I set up our run of tip-ups. I want to thank Dad for letting me use his tip-ups and thank my Uncle Rick for the gear he has sent my way, including many tip-ups. I truly appreciate it!
It didn't take long before our first flag went up. Dad started us off with a great fish!

We hole-hopped most of the morning waiting for the next tipper, and we caught a few, but not a slew of them, and they were fair in size, but it sure beat getting skunked.

A little before noon Paul, Adam, Cathy, and their friend Andrew made their way out on the ice. Awhile back, Paul told Andrew that he would get him in on the ice fishing thing, so this was his first time out on the ice.
We set out more tip-ups and the waiting game began. Dad had some luck with a few small perch, so that was how we kept ourselves occupied. Most of the hits on tippers came in flushes, and we would go a hour at a time without a hit, and then have 2 or 3 in less than 5 minutes.
We were able to get Andrew on his first pike on hard water.
We continue to find a few, here and there, and the quality of fish was much better than it has been in the past.

With the advice of Dad, I changed the bait out on one of our tippers, as there was one particular fish that kept spitting out the giant, festering smelt I had on that hole. After a change to a lively sucker the wait was on. Dad ended up leaving early as he had an evening engagement back home, and he stopped in town to bail me out of a whipping cream related absence on my part. Unfortunately, he was probably not even to the pavement when I finally hooked up with the spitter pike.

 The craziest part apart pulling this fish out was the tiny pike and white teardrop jig buried in the teeth of his upper jaw. BONUS!
At 31 inches, it was one of the better one we had this season, and I will take these kinds of fish any day!

 Shortly after this fish we moved across the bay, closer to the boat ramp, as the perch were not really biting where we were, and there was another spot I wanted to try.

We found some perch when we first got there, and Paul was able to pull in a hog perch.

The new spot was producing as well, and again we found more good sized pike.

Just before the sun went down, Vet-bells went off in 2 feet of water, and was not spinning. I looked down the hole, and could see the pike laying on the bottom with my sucker in her mouth. In one swift yank, I had her in the ice!

 At 32 inches, this was a hefty fish, and the best on the day. These are the gators that are worth shredding fingers. 

Upon returning home, much later than I had anticipated, my dearest wife had a crock-pot of the most fantastic chili ready to dig into, AND a restaurant quality cheesecake in the fridge. I am a blessed man.

We feasted and proceeded to drop like flies until morning. Tomorrow is another day, and another chance at a gator.

Stay Tuned

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