Monday, October 22, 2012

Pheasants: Mearly an Excuse

Pheasant camp 2012 was for obvious reasons, different. There were some new faces, some faces not seen in a long time, and the die-hards. I personally struggled the entire week leading up to this camp as I was on emotional overload. Rachel can attest that I was a MAJOR pain in the ass because of this...Nevertheless, we came prepared this year. Rachel spent countless evenings stitching away on a quilt for Karin and Al. The number of pins I found in the carpet are countless, except for the one that went through my foot. I had the idea of having one of my tables migrate up to Canby since I started this endeavor. I was not able to contribute the time when it was needed, but instead I provided a little of myself for them.

The new house was a sight for sore eyes indeed. I choked up when I stepped in the door Friday evening to see the house full of chirping and laughing. There were children running around and two absolutely adorable babies playing with Auntie Karin.

This is camp, and everything it should be:
The next morning came with cold. It was cloudy, misty, and a bordering on foggy. It was forcasted to burn off but it just hadn't by legal time. We started out tromp in the usual style;

And the successful Pinwheel:
It was a slow morning with a few birds but no one seemed bothered at all.
This one Adam called 'DaBurger'
The morning hunt lead into the other main activity at camp. Food I wish we could have gotten more pictures of that chaotic scene. No matter the meal, what a spread. We had our breakfast and then moved on to the next big push. Again, fewer birds but we did just a nice buck. I am not going to say we didn't get birds as we did, but we also had a few missed opportunities. Rachel got one video I call 'The Canes'. This is what it is like to be the guy in the middle:

Stay Tuned, more to come.

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