Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pheasant Camp 2011: Part 4 cont.

Note; watch Dad point towards the end of the video.
And I quote: "Keep your eyes peeled boys, this place has produced birds before." ROOSTER!
Three shots, three guys, of course we got that one. We continued on in the last stretch of the final push. Again at the base of valley, Mocha hit hard point. Flurry of feather again. Austin froze because he didn't know you could shoot them. Oops. Dad and I pulled out one each.

We ended the stretch tired and happy.

Rachel even took a picture of a knarled dead maple at the end of our trudge.
Back at camp we again took some photos. I requested Rachel take a picture of me with my single rooster and single partridge. I do believe this to be my first partridge as well. I wanted this tree because Dad took a picture of his first deer with a bow under this boxelder.
Here is our final group picture on the porch of the greatest camp I have had the privilege to hunt over the years.
I want to of course thank my Uncle Al for hosting another fabulous pheasant camp. I want to thank my Aunt Karin for both allowing us to trash the house :) and for seeing the grand-babies! (and for the spare inhaler, I an indebted to you for that).
Here are a few other pictures that just need to be posted.

What a camp.

Stay Tuned

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