Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Oh the Adventures We have on Cottonwood

Friday the 17th after work, I headed out to scout lake conditions as the warm weather was taking its toll on the ice. Upon arrival there was indeed a river of water around the access area, but it was still navigable. I worked my way out on the ice cautious about the potential hazards. What I was finding out was, yes there was some run-off occurring but the ice on the lake was just fine yet. Things do change fast, but as of then, we were still in the clear. I went straight for the back corner where Michael's group caught fish. After a hour of soaking tippers and only tripping one, I knew I was in for long afternoon. I ended up hooking one small pike on the rod so I didn't leave skunked!

That was all I managed for the afternoon bite, and I even stayed late enough for the walleye bite that never came. I was frustrated with this lake, and really wanted to explore other options as the pike bite just seems so reduced from last year.

Saturday morning Adam and Paul made the trek up to in the morning, and of course they wanted to just catch their walleyes on Cottonwood. They lagged a little and we didn't end up getting on the lake until 11:30. There were 20+ trucks there by the time we had arrived. We made the sketchy walk out of the access onto the main lake and I hauled out to get onto a spot. I set up shallow and started drilling holes. When Adam and Paul finally caught up I had most of my holes drilled already. It took way too long for me to find a pike of any sort. Again, nothing huge, but I was icing pike with deadbait. It took Adam all of 12 minutes to ice a walleye in 2 feet of water. I won't say the walleye bite was hand over fist, but by 2:00pm we had just short of fulfilled a three man limit. I was even able to contribute to that! I never did catch a pike worthy of a plug nickel, and I was started to become frustrated. I just want a big pike. It doesn't have to be the Mystical Beast, at this point anything at or above 30 would satisfy the hunger.

By 3pm we had our fish and decided there was really no purpose in us staying out longer than needed as we had our fish.

Despite the lack of big pike it was a spectacular afternoon on the ice pulling in far more walleyes than I thought possible. I know Paul was enjoying himself as he laughed every time he iced a fish, and Adam was on such a hot streak we kept trading holes and gear with him. As usual, that didn't faze his success rate.
Upon leaving the lake I could see a sheriff cruiser parked behind Adam's truck. I didn't really think anything of it as I wanted to talk to him about some of the guys on the ice that day, and upon coming up to his window I ask him how his day is going. He informs me that he is doing fine and he was just finishing up the ticket for my truck....Uh oh...

I start talking to him and I honestly do not remember seeing the signs on the road for no parking on the road. Apparently the locals get pretty up in arms about it. I happen to be fiddling with my phone when I see a message from my cop buddy in town. He was asking if I was related to an Adam Livermore as the sheriff was running his plates...I told the sheriff that I had just gotten a message from Officer Nate in town saying that our truck was being run. Boy does it pay to know people. He asked if we were leaving right now and I said we were leaving immediately. He ripped up the ticket on the spot. I continued to talk to him about other things and he gave a CO's number to call in some idiots on the lake. I told him I will NEVER park on the road again, and that I would have blamed him if he still gave us the ticket. No harm no foul, but did it pay big to name drop!

We headed home feeling like free men, and were treated to a wonderful Chinese dinner made by the hands of my beloved wife. I cannot thank her enough for what she does for us. Anyone that comes to visit knows that yes, I may take them out fishing, but Rachel is the brains/brawn/sanity behind the entire operation.

As we lounged on our awesome plush couch watching cops, we planned our expedition for the morning. As we had the numbers thing down, I convinced the guys to give Indian a try in the morning. I want that giant pike and that lake is my best bet. Our plan was to get up early and try and ice a walleye or pike in the morning. It didn't take long and everyone was fading off as everyone does after a meal in the Livermore house.

Stay Tuned

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