Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Indian in the Rain

After getting up early enough to make the heathens breakfast, we took a different path this go around and hit up Indian Springs. I told the guys that the quality of the fish we be better on Indian but we likely catch far less of them. We basically drove the length of the lake before settling on an old road bed with a fantastic weedline. we set out our tip-up madness as usual and waited.... It took a go-pro camera down the holes to see what we were up against. The weeds were far taller than expected, but our tippers were right where they needed to be, and yet we sat there all morning without a flag. It was just before noon before we finally had a flag trip. A decent pike, it was about time we put one on the ice.

Paul, Adam, and Cathie showed up just as we decided to pull the plug and find new location. We headed back to another corner with good weeds that looks like a dynamite spot, but again we sat for a couple of hours without so much as a nibble. I was starting to get frustrated with this lake especially when I had guys from out of town. They were far less concerned about it than I was, but I needed something to happen.

As the tournament on the lake came to an end, we had a couple of guys give us a 31" pike they caught. They were just going to let the thing rot so we took care of it. As the onslaught of people came off of the lake, Adam made the decision to move again where there was a giant group of guys out in the middle of nowhere. We relocated and set tippers out into already drilled holes and some supplemental. We were finally able to find a few fish! A couple of perch here and there was enough to pacify the group. Just as the flag were going off here and there, and the perch were cooperating somewhat, the front came through and it began to rain. It never rained all that hard, but it was a steady spit for the next four hours. These guys were diehards so we said screw it we were fishing in the rain, and so we did. Paul, Adam, and Cathie had their shacks, and we had trucks to warm up in if desired but Michael was really the only one that didn't like the rain so he took a looooooong nap while we picked off a few fish here and there.

We never did end up with anything huge, (Tanner snapped off on a big one) but we caught some fish and enjoyed the company on the ice. As dusk crept up on us we decided to start the process of tipper pick up. We were then halted of our progress as Officer Kyle stopped out to check our luck and licenses. He gave us the scoop on the perch and the waldos, but I could not pry the good pike lakes from him; he pike fishes as well... I will get it out of him some way or another.

We packed up the rest and did our tipper count. I was missing two. We found one but were unsuccessful of retrieving the second (upon later inspection I was actually missing two and they were never recovered).
I figured they were just 10 dollar tip ups I was not about to keep these guys out in the rain any longer so we blasted on back to the house.

We were greeted again to a fantastic aroma of pork shoulder and pork ribs. These would end up being shredded into pork tacos. Rachel made some homemade corn salsa, and yogurt sauce. Restaurant quality food on our table. It was spectacular!!!

We spent the rest of the evening sharing stories and drinking a fair amount of beer. As all of my family members faded on to bed, the college guys burned the midnight oil. I found out later they were up until almost 4am.

Stay Tuned

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