Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Dickhead Parker

Upon awaking in the morning to make biscuits and gravy, they guys slowly made their way up. The first to greet me in the kitchen was Michael. I almost lost it as I questioned him about his evening.
"So how late were you up?"
"I don't know? Maybe 3?"
"So you must have passed out in the chair then?"
"No, I just fell asleep earlier then the rest of the guys."
"Huh. OK."
I followed Michael back to the bathroom so I could hear him when he discovered it.
"I HATE ALL OF YOU!"-is all I heard from the bathroom.
Michael made the party foul of passing out first, and a permanent marker dick to the forehead was his penance!
To say the rest looked rough was an understatement. Our plan of getting back on the ice again was shot down for a couple more hours to sleep and sober up.

I allowed the guys to clean up the kitchen and their six million beer cans before they left. I also packed away a cooler full of odds and ends for them to take home. Fish, beef, venison, duck, and even some dove. Hopefully they get some enjoyment out of it.

Rachel and I are more than happy to share our home with whomever wants to visit us. We used to do a lot of the visiting, but her job is far more demanding than I had expected, and we have to stick around a lot more. The trade off is an open door policy. I am glad that Michael took advantage of that and introduced me to fine gentlemen. I can honestly say that if these guys wish to make another trek north, we will do it all over again.

Stay Tuned

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