Wednesday, August 31, 2016

5th Year Vacation Part 4

After leaving the Dells satisfied and content, we headed south for some time with family and friends. We needed to make a stop just outside of Winona, Minnesota for some prairie seed, which was a birthday gift for Rachel's Dad. For once, I thought of something good for a gift... What was supposed to be a quick stop turned into significant backtracking and some winding roads but eventually we got the goods and headed south. The evening would find us at Megan and Ben's place near Charles City where they had recently acquired an acreage just out of town. A beautiful property with a house in great shape, tucked back over looking the creek bottom that Ben's family owns, and he has hunting for years. Despite a few glitches, it's a dream house to raise a family. We enjoyed an evening with their little man Eli, and overall had a wonderful visit. We do not get to see them that often so we made due with the time window we had available.

After a great evening, we headed Rachel's parents. I spent the better part of the next day helping Jerry with some errands, and I stayed back at the farm while Rachel and her parents headed down to Des Moines to see Jerry's mother. Luella was in a pretty bad car accident while we were on our trip but was doing OK. They went down just to spend some time with her. Shortly after they left, they moved her out of the ICU which was a huge plus.

While they were down in Des Moines, I worked on some tree work for Jerry. There were a fair amount of mulberries growing up within their spruce shelterbelt, and I had an itch to get something done, so I clean up as much as I could. This included treating stumps and dragging brush. By the end of the evening I was exhausted, but I felt accomplished! I ended the evening with Chinese food and a movie with Austin.

The next day would be my 28th birthday. I have never been one to go crazy for birthdays, I just like my freedom card for the day. Shortly after getting up, I collected my things and headed out to Coleman's for some much needed timber work. In a little under three hours I was able to clear cut and hinge cut just short of two acres. The way this place has changed since I started doing timber work years ago has made me want to work more and more often. It felt great to spend some time behind a chainsaw again, and I was able to more than accomplish the goal I had set out to complete for the day. Because I was out there alone, once I got tired I figured it was time to call it quits before my luck turned for the day.

Upon returning the house, I was able to go through all of the my shop things that are still in storage in Jerry's shed. I probably culled way more than I should have, but there will always be more lumber, more slabs, etc. We re-organized and cleaned up the back corner. This made us both feel better about things as Jerry has been gracious enough to store these things for us with no questions.

We ended our evening with a fantastic meal of slow-cooked pork tacos, and gifts for those with birthdays coming up shortly or recently passed. It was a great time hanging with the family. So there; I am 28 years old. You know what that means? That means I am not 27 anymore.

The last leg of our trip sent us to Denison, IA for a baby shower for some very good friends of ours. Emilee Lakner is expecting in early October so it is getting to be close to baby time. While the gals were doing their baby thing, we men did the beyond cliché thing and sat around drinking beer talking about tractors and tools. It was actually quite nice to have no agenda to adhere to or schedule to fulfill. A little visiting with the Nate and Em, Ned and Jacque, and we were off to Cherokee to have dinner with Nick and Lisa. Again, nothing hair bending, just visiting, some wood grilled steaks, and a fresh bottle of Glenfiddich 12 year courtesy of Nick and Lisa. Before calling it an evening we enjoyed Deadpool, which I had yet to see, while Nick's pup Hildie proceeded to vapor lock the room. That dog is dead on the inside.

The next morning Nick and I checked out some timber, attempted to check trail cams, and had a nice breakfast of breakfast pizza, and my favorite, DONUTS. It was great to stop in and hang with Nick and Lisa again. This whole living 5 hours away thing has got to change.

Despite all, it was time to get on the road and get back to our Deliverance shack in Clark. Rachel had some work to do Sunday evening that involved her using her new ultrasound toy, so we needed to get back in a reasonable time.

All I have to say is: WHAT A TRIP!!! We enjoyed spending every moment we could together, as well as getting away for awhile. Getting to see friends and family was a huge plus as well, and frankly, I don't think we could have planned this vacation any better. Maybe nine days away is too long, but it was worth every minute.

Now that fall really is around the corner, thing are just getting started; Doves, ducks, and deer.


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