Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Gunpowder and Feathers

September 1st was the opener of dove season, and I was unable to get out and do some actually hunting. I was however able to gain some more access to some dove spots. Friday evening of the 2nd I collected a few shells and took the dog on a walk/scout. The wind was blowing 25-30mph but it was a beautiful evening out on the prairie.

It didn't take long after setting up to see some doves around, but they were not flying anywhere near my setup, so I moved to the bottom of the hill at the corner or three fields. Within 10 minutes I was picking off birds. The shooting was fast as it usual is with these feathered missiles, and I did a deplorable amount of missing, but I eventually found my groove.
Mocha was definitely enjoying her time out!

The birds moving, and what seemed like a decent location was a great omen for my morning hunt.

Shortly before calling it an evening, I had a doe and a fawn investigate the ruckus from the evening.

The next morning, Mocha and I got up early, but light was already peeking around the horizon by the time we got to our spot. I climbed out of the car, took 20 steps and Mocha flushed a arrant dove.


I guess that didn't take long...

Once we settled into our spot the birds began their travel from roost to food. I would pick them off one at a time, meticulously, and sometimes embarrassingly. As the morning wore on, I would listen to the barrage of gunfire from the landowner and his crew on his other field. The 3rd was the opener of goose season, and there were geese absolutely everywhere. After a large flock was ripped through, I heard and watched at the flock made its long flight towards our setup. I had all of the necessary licenses to harvest waterfowl, and it was the opener, so I grabbed my 870 just as they came into range. Directly overhead, I opened up!
BOOM! Two hit on the first shot!
BOOM! finish off the cripple and drop him inches from my dove mojo.
BOOM! Hail Mary for the triple to no avail.

I double on some great big honkers!

Mocha barrel-rolled over the second bird after it hit the dirt and proceeded to stare at it. Again, she had no idea what to do with this mutant 'dove'. 'Twas much larger than the doves she had retrieved all morning.
Eventually, I was able to finish off my limit of doves, and I even biffed on a couple more opportunities at geese, but the reality is; I don't need more geese in my freezer.

Sunday morning, I again took the opportunity to scrape down a dove or two.

As is usually the case, they were far more skittish on this mornings hunt, but I was able to bag another eight birds. As was the case with the morning before, I also had far more opportunities at geese, but failed miserably. Four easy flocks. ZERO birds....My inner desire to not eat any more geese is starting to make me miss. Yeah; that's what it was. I had fully planned to stay out there until I finished off a limit, but Rachel fought dirty with snap-chats of coffee and breakfast.

I was packing up after the first message!

Another FANTASTIC start to my hunting season!

Stay Tuned

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