Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Weekend in Cherokee

Getting behind again....

Last weekend of July, Rachel and I took a trip to Cherokee to hang out with Nick and Lisa, as well as work on a project or two. We have not seen them in awhile and it was time to make the trip. Earlier in the week Nick had made a trip to my wood pile stash in the father-in-law's out building. He was able to salvage a sizeable amount of decent cedar, and we were looking to make a vanity sink to for his upstairs bathroom. Saturday morning I got right to work and used Nick's new chainsaw to rip-cut three chunks for the table. I spent the rest of the day sanding and working the table top.

Yes, we did take a break for guns and food, but the main goal of the trip was to get this table as close to done as possible. By Saturday late evening, I as able to get a coat of epoxy on the table top, and we left it in basement to cure as best as possible.
By Sunday morning it was still a little tacky, and rather large spider had fallen from the ceiling into the middle sometime during the night......We hauled it upstairs to cure better in the warm bathroom and see if I could get the flood coat on before we left. It was by the skin of our teeth, but I managed to get the last coat on before we left. From log to finished in a weekend is borderline insanity but we got it done, and it was immaculate!

No it was not perfect, but it was some of my more beautiful work. With the limited amount of tools and preparation, I was able to pull it off, and Nick and Lisa seem to like it, which is all that matters.

Stay Tuned: Vacation with the Mrs!

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