Wednesday, August 31, 2016

5th Year Vacation Part 3

After a busy and fun filled day the day before, Rachel and I took the opportunity to sleep in and take this next day with ease. We perused around the outskirt town of Baraboo, floating through antique shops, book stores, and toy shops. Again, no real purpose to our wandering besides burn up some time before our couples massages. Now, I can easily say that I was not necessarily on board for this one, but rather, Rachel had to do some convincing that it would be a good idea. Once I gave in and let myself enjoy the time together, it was phenomenal. Until someone tries to break every knot in your body do you know the weird places you can hold tension. My hands and calves still feel funny.

After our massages were complete we wanted to pamper ourselves one last time, so across the street we went to the wine and cheese bar. Now, this place reminded me of the place Lisa took Rachel and I when we visited Ellicott City in the spring of 2014. Classy, quiet, good tunes playing, and an overall comfortable vibe about the place. We sat down at the bar and just let the rest fall into place.

Rachel a nice white, and I asked the nice lady to surprise me with whatever; I would drink anything. My red was so delicious we bought a bottle. 19 Crimes. The 19 crimes you could have committed to be sent to Australia. When you pop the cork, your crime is written on the cork. Plus the wine was unreasonably good. We got some local meats and cheeses, and chocolates to go with our wine. It was like something out of a magazine; seriously.

Normally, I would say the picture doesn't do it justice, but you really had to be there to know how fantastic it was. It was the most fitting and perfect follow-up to a massage. There was no better way to do it.

After floating our way out of the small town of Baraboo, it was decided that we should find a nice place to have dinner, and it was going to struggle to top the wine and cheese. The lovely ladies at the massage parlor suggested a place right on the strip called High Rack, and we went straight there. This again, fit with our hipster tendencies. Very eclectic menu, with no substitutions; eat what you are served. Rachel had some weird muddled martini, and I a coffee inspired bourbon.

Rachel had a pasta dish that was quite good, and was very well balanced, and I had the fish tacos. A dinner worthy of capping off our vacation in the Dells. We couldn't think of finishing the meal without dessert, so we waffled between a homemade kit-kat with ice cream, or pop-rocks cheesecake. Cheesecake won out and we were far from disappointed. Another culinary experience to say the least! The only fly in the ointment of the meal was the second experimental drink Rachel ordered. A jalapeƱo muddled coconut rum concoction that sounded amazing and looked even better. The first sip sent Rachel into a coughing fit, and one small taste from me sent me into the sweats. A little bit of heat was what they advertised....Rachel was able to drink about half before we white-flagged it and called it a night. Despite that, we didn't regret our dinner choice.

The nexy morning, again, we slept in, checked out of our hotel, and made one last loop on tourist lane. Our pottery was not going to ready until noon so we burned some time, and spent some time collecting odd and satisfying candy from one of the candy shops. At noon we promptly collected our pottery, and on the road we went.

This would conclude our trip to the Wisconsin Dells. I think about my childhood and how I wouldn't have wished the family to vacation here for a million souls. I think Dad's head would have exploded. BUT, what I have discovered, is that Rachel and I can find a way to have a great time regardless of where we end up, and this very tourist-trap like place was no exception. We got out of our comfort zones, and as usual it paid off. There really wasn't a part of this trip that had a major issue. Our expectations were high upon arrival, and not one of our scheduled activities disappointed.

Happy 5th Anniversary Mrs. Glad you put up with me for an entire week for a vacation!

Stay Tuned  

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