Monday, June 27, 2016

Persistance Pays

Friday morning we got up earlier yet and made our way to another lake I have never fished but I have heard good things. I have not fished it because there are not big pike in there, and for the most part, that is all I am after. With the thought of putting some walleyes in the freezer, this seemed like a great option. I had little knowledge of this lake but we had hopes of catching a few walleyes and possibly a perch.
In a little under 45 minutes Aaron hit one and it was a pig of a perch!

At 13.5" we were on the board with a stout fish.
While the wind picked up, we tried drifting and were able to find a few walleyes in the process, and even one smallish pike.
We took many passes, pulling one or so every drift, until we finally filled the limit.

I managed one keepable walleye all day and it was the biggest, but at 18.5, it was not a giant, but nevertheless, we again filled a limit. We were tired from the day before, and opted for dinner at the Drive Inn and no evening fish. The wind had taken a toll on us.

Another very productive day on the water indeed! We were not catching big ones, but were were catching fish for the freezer, and it beats the daylights out of being skunked!

Stay Tuned

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