Monday, December 8, 2014

Management Deer

November 20th, the Thursday before I harvested Eagle Bait, Nick took me down to Guthrie Center for a day hunt in hopes I could put some bone on the ground. There were also 3 doe tags to be filled and I was not about to let that opportunity slip away. I sat in the wet noodle walnut like last year, only the weather cooperated and was gorgeous instead. I had a group of does work into my set and I was at full draw, ready to shoot when the doe busts... There were 8 behind me, one of which was a small buck. Finally, one VERY small doe walks in and I can tell this deer is going to walk right to me. When she was at 5 yards I let 'er rip. The arrow hit way high but I was so far up this tree I knew it was a good hit. I watch as she ran 40 yards and crashed into the small ravine behind me.


I texted Nick and he was moving around a bit as there were not many deer where he was sitting. Not ten minutes later he calls me and tells me he arrowed his first deer from the ground. Smoked a giant doe off of the access road between fields. I had more deer coming when he calls again saying he shot another but the shot was far and she jumped the string.

Nick came to get me so we could deal with the labrador I harvested.

After getting my what ended up being a button buck into the truck we went to track the second one Nick hit.

We would track this doe for 400 yards with GREAT blood, only to have it completely stop. We would not find the deer.
The first one went 20 yards from where he hit it.

 I would sit in the famed cherry for the evening sit, where I saw an absolute toad on the other side of the fence, but I would not shoot one.

Stay Tuned

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