Sunday, October 26, 2014

Last Dove Hoorah

After the wedding on Saturday, I wanted to get the dog out again without doing anything too crazy. Aaron Steffen and I went back out to "The Hill" and brought both dogs to try our luck at doves one last time before bow season starts. With another warm up, there were birds back and established around the area. Still, we went in with hopes of just shooting a few. The usual flock was on the bail when we got to the top, this time we were prepared. I doubled and Aaron zeroed out. This time we double stacked our mojo decoy and it paid off. The bird were coming in close and coming in HOT! We proceeded to do some of the best shooting of our lives. We had a pair set down just in front of our decoys. We went out and flushed them and Aaron proceeded to pull both birds down with a single shot. We had many hard cross-shots and some in-your-face-softball-pattern most which connected. When it was all said and done we ended two birds short of a two man limit; 28 total.

Again, some excellent dog work to make the trip worth every minute.

Stay Tuned

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