Monday, October 21, 2013

Double Tap

First hunt of the season I had the pleasure of sitting with Nick in a double set-up that he set this year. This happens to be the same tree I fell out of last year, but I needed to 'get back on the horse' if you will. We sat and bull-shitted for the remainder of the evening not seeing anything in the process. At one point a squirrel pulled it's usual stunt. Mid sentence, I see two heads come into the field not twenty yards in front of me. I slowly pointed and told Nick to grab his bow. The large doe took the far path and I watched as the smaller deer took the inside path. Nick drew back, and I hear the SMACK of a good hit. 12 yard chip shot. Nick fist pumps and says "good hit, good hit!" I am trying to find the deer between branches and cannot tell which is which. Neither go down. The large doe takes a loop and gets wiggy. The other one stands in one spot with it's ears back. When the large doe leaves the field it finally follows but slowly. Nick had handed me his binos to check the deer over. It was waning legal light and was already tough to see. I see the arrow hanging out of it's side and tell Nick to shoot again. He hesitates as he is unsure that it's the right deer. I tell him to just trust me and shoot again.   30 yard follow-up sounded and looked much better this time around. The deer barrels down the field this time looking visibly wounded. We hear a crash, get down, check for blood, then head out for re-enforcements. We got the neighbor kid to bring his 4-wheeler and got Lisa to forgo some studying to join in the tracking.
 We get back out and the first thing we find is the first arrow. In the dirt. At ground zero. Nick gave me the "you have got to be kidding me" look and I just asked him to trust me on this one. We went to the location of the second shot and found good blood. It was a walking trail from there on. The little button-buck was not 50 yards into the timber. Thankfully, when we turned him over, there were two distinct broadhead holes
Tenders for the freezer!

Stay tuned 

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