Friday, February 8, 2013

Fun with Friends


Been shed hunting a lot and to the point in which I am burned out. Rachel remains inundated with vet-school bullshi-...well you know... Finished at the Parking Division today and continuing the quest for employment. In the time being here are a few things done since last updated:

Went to Jordan Creek Mall with Rachel and some of our friends a few weeks back. Pretzels, books, unbearable wafts of cheap cologne, and a movie. It was honestly enjoyable. We finished our evening at Joe's Crab Shack. Having never been there we were in it for the goods. Our friends Nate and Emily Lakner were with us. Rachel and Nate are not overly fond of seafood (even so Rachel order coconut shrimp!) but Em and I are minor junkies. We decided to order a steam-pot to share while Nate and Em got their own thing. We got something with some form of variety. Crab, lobster, shrimp. No oysters or clams. 

Couldn't get away from the show of the whole thing...

 Giant purple goo with shark shot....

It was actually nice to spend some time out with Rachel and I was pleasantly surprised that she not only ate some form of seafood, but enjoyed it.

More recently I have spent my spare time shed hunting but with 20+ hours walked I haven't even come up with a dead head. I have enjoyed the peaceful woods, but finding an actual antler would be welcome. At any rate, when back at the farm last weekend Michael Parker and I walked hard all day with no bone to show for it but came back to the ranch to something spectacular.

A swirling mob of mallards were filtering in and out of the corn field behind Micheal's house. I have seen this to some degree but they were close and I bet there was well over a thousand of them. They spanned across a handful of fields. 
I have seen It done before and thought I would give it a try with my camera. I used Micheal's binoculars to get super zoom
We were watching the birds filter through the corn field, coming closer and closer when Michael looked up and spotted a bald eagle. What more could we ask for. A soon as the majority of the flock caught site of it, they all got up at once. The eagle swooped in and out of the swirling mallards before landing in the tree behind his house.

I never got pictures of the two together but second after this pic was taken a second eagle showed up. They left as soon as the mallard flock moved on to another field. It was amazing. I will take this kind of thing over finding a shed any day.

Tomorrow means ice fishing...

stay tuned

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