Friday, November 30, 2018

Visit to Cherokee

There was no special rhyme or reason for the trip, except that it was going to be Lou, Luca, and myself making the trek ourselves. There is generally not a lot going on in the middle of August, and mama was on trip to the Black Hills for a work retreat, so we were not about to waste a weekend by ourselves in Clark. We had nothing crazy planned, just some hanging out with our boys, and it was Nick and Lisa's wedding anniversary that weekend. It was enjoyable to just hang out and watch these two growing before our eyes.

Luca is getting big and smiley, and Sawyer was right on the cusp of full bore mobile. Just like their fathers, they get rather ornery when they are hungry though....

The one outing we had planned was a prairie walk on one of Nick's favorite remnants in his area. Not too far of a drive, and an easy walk with the boys scrapped on. The dogs enjoyed the run, the boys enjoyed the dogs, and Nick and I were reveling in all of it. Nick went out of his way to collect a beautiful bouquet for the Mrs from the native prairie before us.

It was a spectacular walk! Sawyer babbled the vast majority of the outing, and Luca soon fell asleep. I wouldn't trade these days for the world. Yes, by the time we were done it was getting warm and the boys started getting restless, but it was worth every minute. The rest of the weekend was spent doing a lot of nothing. The boys took up most of our time, but I guess that really was the point of the trip! Nick cooked good food, Luca, Lou, and I slept well in a comfortable bed, and we were greeted each morning to the babblings of Sir Bonesaw. We clearly do not do this enough.

Stay Tuned

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