Saturday, November 19, 2016

What to Do What to Do...Again

Dad and I again got up early enough for a morning duck hunt on Sunday and headed to our gadwall slough. The walk in showed us how many pheasants there were in the area, and on the flip side how many ducks there weren't. I placed our decoy set and waited for the birds to start pouring in. We waited. And waited some more.

A lone hen came right down the middle of the slough, only to drop down about 60 yards out ahead of us. It was a beautiful morning, but no birds in hand. After getting back home, Dad headed to church and I made a game plan for the afternoon as it was beyond beautiful outside and we had to do something. Pheasants was the original plan, but with only a light breeze, we opted for some cold water pike. I know, I know, I said that the last time I was out on the water was going to be the last time of the season, but it has been so mild for so long, I assumed I would not be out again.

Dad, Mom, and I headed out onto the cold lake and it did not take long for me to hook into a pike.

Nothing huge but we were not skunked. We were able to boat a couple of more before Mom decided she was done for the day.

Since she drove separately, we were able to drop her off and continue our quest for a gator. The rest of the afternoon, Dad was on a hot streak and was able to pull in a few really nice fish.

I still think it was weird that we were able to get the boat out on decent water, on the 13th of November.

It just goes to show that there is something to chase during every season up here. Rachel has been more than accommodating with my insanity and constant barrage of family members staying to hunt or fish. I would say that will level out once we get the house, but we chose the one we did so more family would visit us on the barren prairie. There will always be things to hunt, or fish, or chase!

Stay Tuned

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