Monday, November 28, 2016

Cold Water Cottonwood

Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday, Ma and Pa Kettle, I mean Livermore, came up to Clark for food and maybe a little hunting. On Thanksgiving, while the turkey and other greatness was being prepared, Dad and I took to scouting for a potential duck hunt for the morning, and maybe chase a rooster while we were out. We scouted out what looked like a fantastic slough with divers, mallards, and swans sitting right off of a point that we could easily set up on. We headed up to Cottonwood from there to see what we could find and walk for birds while there. Snow had started to come down pretty hard while we were out but it made for a nice walk despite the wet legs. We checked out what Cottonwood looked like, and found much of it already frozen up along the outer margin. We called it a hunt and headed home for our feast. I am not one for turkey, but Rachel's first go at a true Thanksgiving turkey was spectacular! Paired with side dishes provided by both Rachel and Mom, we had a fantastic Thanksgiving meal in our warm apartment, while watching Holiday Inn.

Friday morning, Dad and I headed out for a late season duck hunt. We scouted our spot, and had high hopes for the morning. When we came over the crest of the hill my heart sank. Bobbing lights on the end of the point we were to be setting up on....Early bird gets the worm, and we were late.

We hatched a hasty plan B, and headed right back up to Cottonwood but on the far side of the lake. It was less than ideal, and we still ended up having to break ice, but we settled into our hide, and awaited an arrant duck.

There were few flying, and frankly, the birds just were not here. There were droves of snow geese flying overhead, but even too high for sky busting.

Before our morning was a bust, a flock of shovelers worked the ice line right above the water. They looked like they were going to bypass us when the lead drake swung around and led the flock right into our set.

Three ducks down!!!

Mocha retrieved her first ice duck, though slightly panicky, she had little troubles and brought it back to us. the other two were sitting on the ice on the far side of our spread, and Dad was able to grab them.

After the one flock, there was nothing else for ducks. A small flock of swan came just close enough that I had to give it a try and I sent as much steel their way as I could; to no avail.

It was a great morning to be duck hunting, but the conditions were deteriorating by the day. We were still able to put a few birds on the water without any hairy ice related incidents. It sure made for some great photos though.

By the time we got home, we were able to have our fill of leftovers and take a little nap. Once Mom returned from shopping, they headed out for Nick and Lisa's. It was great to have them up for a couple of days, and as usual, it was great to hunt with Dad without deer craziness.

Stay Tuned

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