Sunday, October 9, 2016

Prairie Lake Hunt

The first weekend of October was another chance to get out an do something. With so many options I have a tendency to get panicky, and end up doing nothing, so I made up my mind and headed back to Cottonwood. I wanted to repeat the last hunt I had out there, but with the hope of a few big ducks. I set out my spread, taking more time and care into it, and the blessing in disguise was my lack of mojo stake*, and I forgot the wings at home. No matter, it did not take long for birds to start working back in. The first flock were big ducks, and I knew right away, these were pintail. The first flock veered right and I managed to pull the back one down, a juvenile drake! Mocha's flawless retrieve and I had a pinny in the bag. Not 15 minutes later, I look probably 150-200 yards up, and dropping fast is another single pintail this time a beautiful drake. He drops in, feet down, right in my pocket. This never happens with pintail and he came in on a string. My second and final pinny for the morning. Again, the teal continued to keep me busy, but the mallards just would not play the game. They would circle, drop to about 70 yards and then veer off never to come back. I am still miffed by that one.

At one point I was assisting the pup with a teal retrieval when single widgeon buzzed over head. He was a little high, but killable. I took one shot, and he rocked a little. I knew I put a pellet in him and I watched his flight path. He circled around, back towards the car, and he flew straight up in the air, turned head first, and nose dived into the dirt; 20 feet in front of the car. I continued to pick off a teal, here and there, until my limit was fulfilled, and we called it a hunt.

As I was picking up, a passing flock of Canada's gave me a chance but I could not pull one down. Walking out, yet another flock gave me a chance, but again, I did not have the magic touch on geese today, so they flew off unscathed.

I collected my widgeon, and took a few more quick pics.

Another day on the marsh, another great outing. It is fun and all hunting, but I need to learn to make a friend out here that will hunt with me....Oh yeah; I hate people.

Stay Tuned

*The stake was recovered around noon, where Dad and I hunted the weekend before in the muck. It never moved.

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