Thursday, October 13, 2016

Anti-Lull Continued

Sunday morning Paul, Adam, and Andrew came up to chase the elusive walleyes as usual. Dad went to church in the morning so we did not jump into any morning hunt. While everyone headed for the water, I ended up staying back and hanging with the Mrs. for the day. A little balance never hurt anyone. This way I was able to nap some, watch football, and play with the pups. We have continued our home quest, as we do things from zero to sixty. It was a relaxing day, that I think we both needed to discuss things, prepare mentally for the weeks ahead, and just take a deep breathe and chill. We planned a wonderful dinner of fish tacos (or pork for Rachel) and Rachel did a spectacular job of making all of the custom fixings for the tacos. In the end, they were beyond repeat worthy fish tacos, and Rachel remains a legend in the kitchen. We ended the evening by watching some of the Packers game, and some of the debacle that was the second presidential debate, but I will not get into that....

Monday morning being Columbus Day, meant I was free for the day yet again! Dad and I took advantage of the free day (for me), and we headed back out to the same slough from Saturday. I was hesitant to pound away again at what birds were left, but we had plans to be more selective with our birds and our shots. It was almost 9am before we dropped our first bird, even though we flushed a solid 200 from the slough upon our arrival. Dad scored on a double on the first flurry of birds. Mocha was weird about something and Dad ended up doing the retrieval.

What birds were there were skittish and wary.

The ones we were able to shoot were still, in our set or closer, and we managed a 6 bird morning.

Once back home, I cleaned the birds, and blasted out to get on the water with Paul and Adam. The guys hit the fish pretty hard the day before and landed a bunch of pike, and I will never turn down opportunities at snot rockets. Despite the previous day's success, it was tough fishing. Adam managed two nice walleyes right off of the bat before I even go there, and that was it for the day. I did hook one pike, and lost it at the boat whilst trying to hoist it in for a pic. This lack of success would keep me from my South Dakota tri-fecta. A walleye, duck, pheasant. I don't need a limit, but this will remain one of my still do-able goals.

A quick pic and we called it a day.

The rest of the afternoon I re-collected my gear and tried to organize what I could, and I still found some time to get the pups out for some much needed play-time.

Man I love Fall!!!!

Stay Tuned

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