Monday, April 25, 2016

Friday After Work Slimers

After the success Dad and I had the day before, I couldn't help but head right back to Cottonwood with the afternoon I had off from work. I drove around a few times trying to figure out a way to not have to put on my waders and wade across the bay to get to the south side. After no such luck, I parked on the road and worked the shoreline I had access to. It took me all of three minutes to hook into a pig.

 A 36 inch pike is never a let down!!!
 She did the death flop as I lifted her out of the water and I took the brunt of it so I didn't drop her.


Shortly after sending Dad a pic of my fish, I got a text saying he was going to be working his way back my way and asked if I wanted company. OF COURSE I DID!!!

I fished the same bay for a little over an hour before he came with gear and the fly rod.

It was nice to fish with Dad these last two days. I have missed having someone to fish with, and it is great when I can I have some one-on-one time with my Dad. I hope there are many more slimers in our future.

Stay Tuned

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