Sunday, September 20, 2015

Doves with the Pup

I struggled a fair amount to find any public property that was suitable for a dove hunt, as most of the public up here is suited for pheasants and waterfowl. I spent three evenings driving around trying to find somewhere and came up short. On one of my short Fridays, I found a field that could potentially hold a dove, but it was private. It wasn't until Saturday morning when I continued my driving, that I came upon this field again and it was loaded with doves!

I consulted my plat maps and could not get a handle on whom owns it/farms it. I called my local contact and he told me I was off a little and forwarded me to the right person. A quick call came up short as there was no answer, but my maps showed me where the landowner lived, so I stopped out. He is a super nice guy and told me that there is another guy that has first dibs on the place, but if he wasn't out there I could have at it.

I hauled back to the spot and was greeted by 200 or so doves right at the corner of the fence where I parked the car.

I could not shoot fast enough.

In less than 45 minutes I had my limit. It may have taken me 50 shells to get my first 10 birds, but once I got the hang of it again, I finished my last 5 birds with 7 more shells.

The great part about this spot is the location. That giant cottonwood in the background is visible from my front door. I couldn't have asked for a better spot.

The next day, I convinced Rachel to let me have another go at this spot. When I got there I tried something a little farther from the road, but the birds worked right through my first spot. I quickly moved right back to the spot only to find a couple dead birds laying near the corner post. At first I was bummed that I had missed them the morning before, but the more I looked the more I found out what I was really seeing. Between yesterday morning and today, someone else had hunted the spot. In a small town, word travels fast....
I picked up as many of the other guy's empties as I could find, and I buried the birds I could find in the field.
This morning took a little longer for the birds. They were a little more wary, but I was in the right spot at the right time anyway. I was able to again fulfill my limit of 15 birds. The pup was in hog heaven. As I was collecting my empties and putting birds in my bag, I heard a goose. I looked up and a pair of them were baring down on me fast. I popped out the remaining dove shells and was able to get one goose shell in just in time to pop up and take my single shot.
Folded like a laundry.

What a cap to a stellar morning!!!

Mocha spent the rest of the afternoon stiff legged, or curled up in a heap on the couch. I may have to work her in to this season. She may still have a spring in her step, but she isn't in her prime anymore.

It has been nice to have this plethora of wildlife at my fingertips, but I am struggling to enjoy it as much as I should. Rachel isn't really into the whole getting up at 4am for a small bird, or a fish, so I am currently without a hunting/fishing buddy. For the time being, I will just continue what I do.

Stay Tuned

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