Sunday, August 27, 2017

Ol' Stompin' Grounds

The last full weekend in June Rachel and I found ourselves back in Iowa for her cousin Lindsey's wedding. As we had taken an extra day off, we were back in Iowa that Thursday night which meant I had a free day on Friday to do what ever I pleased. I had a day scheduled at Coleman's to work on some of the timber work out there. Before I even got the chance to finish off my thought process, Rachel's sister Megan asked if I was willing to take the kids out with me. It ended up morphing into the boys not wanting to go out there but wanting to go fishing instead.


A quick $10 online and I was ready to go in the morning. We kind of had to improvise for fishing gear as I had not not brought any of my stuff but before long we on our way out. I figured I had an entire day to find these kids a fish and this was my opportunity to take them back to our old stand-by fishing spots where we fished years ago. We started by the bridge in downtown Shell Rock. Yes, it has changed immensely since I have been there since, but that's what rivers do; they change with the currents.

We still managed to find fish.

We didn't catch many at this spot as the fishable water was much reduced, so we headed downstream a ways to the boat ramp area. We pulled in a few small fish there,

and the boys both found a dead squirrel which they deemed needed to be peed on...

Once we got bored there, we had a quick bite to eat and then headed to Clarksville to another one of our go-to spots. It was amazing to see the condition of the spot we stopped and the age of these boys compared to a pic my Dad took of Nick and I years ago at this exact same spot. Again, we found a bunch more fish!

I was told that the boys would not likely last all afternoon fishing and we could just hang out at the house before they came back from decorating or whatever the hell they were doing, but the outing ended with the clock winding down and getting short on our curfew. We needed to be back by 4 and I had them back by 4:30....


This was my kind of afternoon.

The rest of the trip was wedding stuff, blah, blah blah.

Stay Tuned

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