Monday, August 28, 2017

July and August...ugh

Sorry Nick and Lisa; I have never been a fan of July. It's hot, sticky, and the fish don't bite. And August? Don't EVEN get me started...

July 1st:

So....Despite my dislike for the month of July, were actually able to find some fish early on. Though not many, the fish we did catch were stout to say the least. Paul and I fished the morning together out of the Clara Lee and found some waldos in the process.

The afternoon outing I was able to convince the Mrs. to join us and she was a good sport about it. We only managed two fish the entire evening, but the two we caught were dandies!

39 inch pike!

24 inch waldo for Paul.

July 4th:

Blast to Nick and Lisa's place to help out with a few projects, shoot some guns, and pick up the mattresses. It was nice to help Nick out, at the time, life was pretty shitty and he spent most of his time in a puddle in a chair, or laid out on the nearest flat surface. Also Lisa is starting to look a little pregnant...As am I.

Despite the heat and their competitive nature, these two pups were borderline inseparable for reasons I don't understand.

Though a blasting trip there and back, we were able to get all mattresses loaded and strapped for their new home in Clark. When I eventually find the pic I will include it.

July 17th:

During one of my trips to Mobridge for work, I finally stopped in the Cathedral of the Prairie in Hoven, SD.

August 4th:

I have FINALLY completed the bed frame for Rachel. All salvaged lumber, it amazed me how much money still went into the damn thing. The beams came from my Grandpa Rex when he worked at Lindsey's years ago. Because we Livermore's cannot let go of things, my father had saved those beams through many moves and was going to finally throw them during the Dike move purge, but my Livermore blood kept them and stored them in my Father-in-Law's shed....

With these beams I made the frame for the bed including the head and footboard. the paneling part of them is again, salvaged oak flooring. This is some stout stuff and made for a spectacular finish.

I had been sitting on this project for way too long and a visit to my Uncle Randy's fueled my desire to finish the job and to do it right. With a loaner router (which ran scary awesome) I was able to router out a groove in the top and bottom beams of the head and footboards. This gave for a much more professional finish, and invariably a stronger product. THANK YOU RANDY!!!!!!!

So with having been married to Rachel for 6-ish years, I would say that I did quite well to get this done for her in a timely matter!

About the same time I finished the bed, Rachel finished the bathroom tiles in our bathroom. Through a seriously long winded debacle, we tiled the hallway AND our bathroom. Rachel did a splendid job with both and now we have matching tiles, and nowhere for Lou to pee but outside!!!

We have had visitors galore intermixed within the weekends and have enjoyed the company. Rachel's frustrations with hobbies has propelled her to move forward with making more of her cookies and cakes. Hopefully she can sell a few and fund more bullets for me!

As August comes to an end I find more self in sweet relief of the heat, and anticipation of the upcoming hunting season.

I can't wait to see what this fall has in store.

Stay Tuned

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