Monday, June 26, 2017

Walleyes and Graduations

Memorial Day weekend proved to be another chaos filled weekend with more going on than a normal human being should cram into such a short amount of time; but that's what we did anyway.

Rachel and I had visitors from Ames again, this time Aaron and Amanda made the trip north for some fishing. We tried our best and were about to find a few walleyes, but nothing spectacular for size or quantity. We were able to enjoy some time away from it all out on the lake. It is always nice to have a decent boat that can comfortably take friends and family out in the water!

With it being Clara and Jesse's grad parties this weekend, we were hard pressed to not make the trek north for that occasion. Rachel and I hauled north Sunday morning to be there for the majority of the day and see what we could do while up there. As usual there were things to be done and stuff to set up for the party. It never ceases to amazing me how quickly and without even a hint of prompting my beloved Rachel rolls up her sleeves and gets to work. Chopping veggies, tying ribbon, you name it; she was already on top of it. I knew I found the right one!

In between waves of guests I was able to pull myself away and drop a troublesome tree for Rick back at the house. It was much easier to get the job done when I didn't have twelve people telling me how to do it, or kids to make sure were not in the war path. With the assistance of Adam and Isaac, we were able to get the thing on the ground with only minor damage to a pear tree.

When that project was completed I headed back to the party for take down. Another project that is made light by many hands. From start to finish, we were done and out in a little under a half hour.

Back at the house we hung out for a little while and enjoyed good conversation, and some chasing of the escaped Milo dog. Imagine a black hairy hotdog with surprising speed and agility....The skilled hands of Rachel were the only thing he was unable to escape. She has seen some shit in her day and this little hotdog was nothing!

We enjoyed a nice dinner before we headed back to Clark. With the chaos at Rick and Sue's, and with guests back in Clark, it was made much simpler by just heading back for the night.

Monday was so dreary and windy, we ended up opting for a good breakfast and some down time before Aaron and Amanda headed out for Ames.

If I had one wish, it would be for time to slow, even if for a minute. Ten minutes ago it was January.

Where the hell is my year going????

Stay Tuned

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