Monday, June 26, 2017

2nd Annual Friend Gathering

We have enjoyed every chance we get to see our friends from college and these opportunities seem to be fewer and farther between as our lives get the better of us and we get far too busy with our careers and our own schedules. This is the one gathering we have set aside each year the first weekend in June that we all seem to enjoy probably way too much. We may not have gone to do go-carts and mini golf this year, and we definitely spent much less on booze this year, but we enjoyed it just as much. The newest addition to the group was Warren, Nate and Em's little tator-tot! As many would expect I spent a lot of time with the little guy and we paces aimlessly on many occasions. Who doesn't like a good baby fix!

By next year's gathering there will be another little one in the mix as well as Skip and Megan are expecting! These gatherings are going to be much less about the video games and cards, and more about apple sauce and car seats.

I can't wait for next year!

Stay Tuned

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