Thursday, July 31, 2014

Wonderful Kid-let Chaos

Mini vacation to Josh and Sara's was an absolute blast. For the most part I will let the pictures do the talking.

 I took this photo for Dad. I know he likes the family gatherings and we were toasting to family.
 Isabel with a mouthful of corn

 This is the 'post ER' face. A lot of sass like his Mamma.

 Jacob was being rather squelchy and I successfully did what Dad did with us. Bring him back from meltdown. He was still awake for another hour before finally drifting off.
 More to come, but there were three baby squirrels living in the hollow of one of the walnut trees. They have little to no fear of humans or any concept of potential danger.
 These are the chickens. Damn the chickens.

 This is one of the squirrels watching the chickens closely
 More bold...

This was Gabe's inaugural fishing trip. I was beyond honored to start the corruption. I knew Dad would be proud and jealous.
 He was absolutely fearless of the fish.
 Riding the cement pig

 We 'camped' in the yard. The weather was beyond perfect for it. The first night our air mattress flattened and Rachel ended up inside. I stayed out with Abram and Stella. Those kids sleep hard, and Stella is without a doubt possessed by demons. She would randomly sit up and scream/growl before laying back down. She did this two or three times.
 Fishing adventure number two. This time we managed to actually catch a big fish!!! A smaller catfish while trying to catch a carp.

 All of the kids had to touch it.
 I like this photo the best because of the sheer amount of joy it shows. Everyone was pleased.
 Abram took my camera and took the cloud pics. I like the Abram shadow.

 Clouds on the water.
 Abram within arms reach of the ever-increasingly-bold squirrel.
 She was legitimately growling
 Oh the shoe chaos
 Enjoying homemade hummus!
 The squirrels finally took it to another level while Josh, Rachel, and I were out by the tree. Two of them ran and Josh, whom was wearing shorts, and tried to climb. His evasive maneuvers left me standing there. Both tried to climb but only one stayed. I have never had a wild animal be this confident/ignorant towards humans. It was borderline concerning but there very young. 

 It was wonderful to visit everyone and so much fun to play with these very spirited kids. I can't wait for the next gathering.

Stay Tuned

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