Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Coleman's Project: Cuttings

This last summer I had Mother teach me the ways of the cuttings master herself. I took some cuttings from multiple specimens including viburnum dentatum, viburnum trilobum, flowering dogwood, mountain maple, river birch, hazelnut, and hydrangea, and went through the work with Mother in the greenhouse. After almost two months of soaking in the greenhouse I determined it was time to line them out.
 I got some absolutely phenomenal root masses on a few of the cuttings. The dogwoods and the Viburnum trilobum specifically just exploded.

Dad mowed/bailed a patch for me up by the old garden and I began tilling.
Micheal Parker showed up to shoot his new muzzleloader, but I had some work for him to do first. We lined out two and a half trays of my cuttings whether they had developed roots or not.

 We finished up by taking the duff Dad left after mowing and mulched the areas.

I began this project in the hopes that I could take them to Coleman's and work on a browse source out there. It will most likely be a couple of years before I see real results, but I will be able to plant some of them next spring and fall. This has been a great learning experiences and now that I know how to do this I can continue to do it.

MOM! teach me how to root graft!

Once I have learned that, I will be invincible!

Stay tuned

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