Monday, September 3, 2018

The Joy of Parenthood

I am 3 months behind. I am not done with this blog, but because of our beloved son, my outdoor adventures have been greatly reduced.

I must say, I truly enjoy being a parent. Is it exhausting? Yes. Would I trade it to go back to the way things were? Not a chance in hell.

Because we have been busy with our little man, there has been less chances for me to get out on my adventures. I have been able to get out once or twice, and those will be other posts, but for now my adventures are simple. I get to pick up junior from daycare every afternoon. It doesn't matter what mood I am in when I do pick him up, whatever it was is gone. He lights up when I get him all strapped in and off we head for home. This simple everyday task is about as exciting each day as knowing I get to go fishing. We ride home, listening to tunes, and talk about our day. I tell him what was frustrating and sometimes he tells me about his day. For now, he mostly listens, but that will change in time. Once home, our next adventure starts. I get him out of the prison that is the car seat, and we go outside and walk around our gardens. Our boy LOVES being outside. This walk around brings us both back to level each day. Sometimes I get over-zealous and try to weed a little while holding him, and I can generally get a good solid four minutes in before he has had enough of that. Once we are done outside, I attempt to hold him off before mama gets home. At this point he is hungry, but not hysterical. When mama gets home, we generally all crash and burn in one form or another and greet our comfy beds with open arms. Another day in the books.

I swear he changes each day. He is getting plump and happy and a little personality is starting to develop. I now know what people mean when they say it goes by in a flash; it seems like Rachel was giving birth to him last week. We do our best to soak in every moment and enjoy even the difficult parts.

Before long this little man will be crawling and talking and pulling Lou's stubby tail. For now, we will take the cuddles while they still last.

Stay Tuned

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