Friday, July 22, 2016

Boldest in the Land

I have been working on a project near the Mitchell, SD area for a couple of months now, and I have been fortunate enough to encounter all kinds of critters along the way. I have seen countless deer, pheasants, ducks, and doves, but I have been charged by a badger,

and more recently I have had an encounter like nothing before with a wild turkey.
I was pacing off a shelterbelt when I saw a turkey at the end of another belt. I stopped, clucked a little to see if it would spook, and it puffed up and strutted on the spot. I started walking closer, trying to see how close I could get. I got to within 8 yards of this bird before he made a move. Instead of running away like expected, he came towards me. I backed off as I had just discovered their was a hen with him, and that maybe explained his un-natural aggression. I took some pics and videos and went back to my business.

The next day, we returned to this property to finish our plots for this location. We were however, stopped by the landowners wife.

"Hey when you guys pulled in this morning, I heard him gobble, so I figured I would warn you, there is a rather aggressive turkey on our property."

"Funny you should say that, I encountered him yesterday afternoon."

"Well, he attacked me the other day when I was on a walk, I had to have my husband come pick me up in the truck because he wouldn't let me get passed him." "The day before yesterday, I tried to scare him off with an airhorn, and that just pissed him off more and he tried to attack my face. I figured I would just warn you guys that he is back there."

"We appreciate the warning, hopefully there won't be too many troubles."

Upon arriving at our plot we discovered Mr. Dickhead in field next our plot about 200 yards out. Once he caught sight of us, he bee-lined right for our field corner. While my two interns were measuring trees I was not-so-subtly informed that he was right next to us. I figured, why not get some more videos today....idiot.....

I again got to about 10 yards from this bird, but today instead of standing his ground, he came at me the second I turned around. By the time I got to the trees, he was right on my tail, and to make matters worse, I dropped my stylis pen in the field, pretty much where he was standing. We could not continue our work until I got that pen back but he was not about to let me in the field. I did the only logical thing I could think of: I used an intern as bait. I sent Sarah to the edge of the woods on the point of the belt to egg him on, away from me. The bird would give me about 30 seconds of searching before he would come storming back, thus back in the timber I would go. Finally, he gave me enough distance that I was able to locate the pen, but when I looked up all I could hear was an intern bellowing through the trees. Oops....

The turkey had chased her into the next field a full 150 yards away. When she returned she was out of breath and thankfully laughing. We were finally able to get the belt measured but he kept coming back. Because we were being "loud" in the timber, it irritated the bird enough that the next time he came to the edge of the woods, I tried to shoo him away, but he came in with me instead.

Now the interns were freaked and I had had enough. A couple large sticks heaved over his head educated him that I would finish him if given the chance. Upon finishing the belt I still needed to pace the belt for length and the bird was nowhere in sight. I booked it so we could get the hell out of there. When I turned around at the end of the belt, there were two interns backing away from our only escape route, waving branches around.... We planned our escape which included the interns waving sticks and talking loudly to spook the turkey back into another belt so we could get passed. Once passed, the interns proceeded to stop and cheer while the turkey was making his return to the field with me being the nearest next target.

If that were my property or someone I even knew, I would be eating turkey for dinner tonight.

Stay Tuned

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Summer Weekend

I have just short of avoided fishing up here this summer as I spend more time being frustrated by it than enjoying the time out. The water is warm, the weeds are thick, and the wind blows; a lot. I have a difficult time controlling the small boat with these kinds of conditions so I just skip it all together.

However, Dad, Mom, and Uncle Paul came up for a visit the weekend of the 9th, and we tried our luck anyway. As usual, conditions were tough and we struggled to catch much. I couldn't get the boat on the main lake as I would have liked due to windy conditions but we had to try anyway.

Paul was the only one to catch anything of significance, and managed to catch a sizeable pike.

We called it shortly after catching that fish to get some lunch and come back for Ma. The afternoon outing proved to be a giant disappointment and frustration. Our original plan of fishing Antelope was a bust as the water was an algal cesspool. We tried plan-B and headed to Dry Lake #2 near Willow Lake. We basically got the boat on the water and already knew it was too windy. With Mom, Paul, and myself, it was just too windy for that little boat, and Mom was already uncomfortable with the situation. The drive back to shore proceeded to douse my mother in wave after wave, which I found rather hilarious (although I can about bet she did not feel the same...) but we made it back in one piece. There really was nothing I could do to stop it; if I went too slow we didn't move and got wet, if I went too fast we got REALLY wet but got it over with quicker...

That ended our day for fishing even though there were mutterings about fishing after dinner, although for fear of offending anyone it was discovered that none of us really cared to go back out...figures.

Saturday evening brought a much needed rain, and temporarily derailed our day plan of shooting some clays on a private property. The only access to the property was a small dirt road which would now be 4X4 territory and I did not wish to press it. The wind again proved too much to even attempt fishing. Mom, Dad, and I headed to Bailey's, which is a public shooting area, and shot our clays out there. It felt good to hear a gun go bang again. I am so ready for fall it hurts, and this just fueled the fire...

Stay Tuned

Lake Maud 4th o' July

As will be the trend for the rest of our lives, our off time is dictated by Rachel's schedule. She was granted some much needed time off, and even had a three day weekend to boot! We took advantage of this time, and visited Rick, Sue, and clan on Maud for the weekend. It was already going to be a full house with Adam, Cathie, Isaac, and their friends, Andrew, and Lynnsee. Rachel and I took advantage of the closer proximity and headed up that Friday evening after work. We were greeted by Jesse and Ben, as Grace was in the twin cities, and Rick and Sue were picking up Clara from the airport after a couple week stint in Europe. We enjoyed a nice quiet evening before the roof lifted off house when the thundering hoards arrive.

I needed to get out and enjoy the nice quiet lake, and Rachel joined me each morning for an early outing just the two of us. It is always nice having one-on-one time with the Mrs!

During the daylight hours, there was always something going on. We were able to get in on the lake parade, while the kids enjoyed the lake.

I did get this fantastic pic of my uncle carrying back his flag that we toted during the parade.

We spent an evening at Thompson's enjoying some fish Rick and I cooked up that came fresh out of the lake, as well as slow smoked wings, and ribs, followed by some monkeying around enjoying the conversations and company.

Mornings have always suited me better, but Rachel not so much...

 The second morning was much slower, but I did manage a nice largemouth at the dock.

The final afternoon, Rick and I managed to absorb in the wildlife present on the lake. A mallard and her ducklings were feet from us at the dock.

While on the far side of the lake we encountered a two year old loon that let us get plenty close.

There was also a fabled loon chick that Rachel and I discovered on one of our early morning outings, but Rick wanted visual proof and photographic evidence. It may not look like much, but that hump on the loons back is the little chick hitchin' a ride.

While Rick and Sue canoed to the new chick for better pics, I collected my things from the boat and prepared for our trek back to the prairie. I would not leave without finally landing the legendary bass that dwells from under the dock.

 A 4 pounder that frosted an already stellar weekend!

Because Ben was visiting Maud, he was in need of a ride back to Morris, and we were a great solution for all. Rachel and I made sure to send him off knowing he was family. A little ice cream and some stashed cash always goes a long way.

Upon returning home, Mocha went right to her spot and proceeded to pass out, snoring occasionally.

Apparently, vacationing is hard.

Stay Tuned