Friday, May 27, 2016

Spring has Sprungeth and Summer Doth Bringest Forth...Wind

It has been a wonderful change of pace having spring here at our doorstep instead of winter. People have warned me since before we arrived in Clark that "the winter's are brutal and you haven't seen South Dakota until you have lived through a full winter..."

Yes, I agree winter was just that, but we had a mild winter this year and got lucky.

It's the spring wind that I have been under-prepared for. Most days my nerves are shot before my day has even begun because of the wind. I can't do anything outside, I can't fish, so I have been stuck inside twiddling my thumbs, just as the winter doldrums forced me inside. When the wind isn't gale-force, I have been able to get the boat out a few times, even with the Mrs.

The first decent evening we had for awhile we took out the boat and trolled Bailey's Lake for the evening. We didn't really slam the fish, but a few bass found their way into the boat.

I sure to like fishing with the MRS!

I took a morning to get out before the wind and I got the usual weird selfie pike photos. Nothing big but with my struggle to boat real fish it was nice to hook into a fish again.Cottonwood always produces something!

With a general short ability to schedule things, we made a blasting trip to Dave a Laura's over the weekend. We enjoyed fine spirits, good conversation, a fantastic bonfire, and we got to see the progress Dave and Laura have made in the back yard. Buckthorn be gone!!!

Sunday Morning we took a stroll on the lake with the boat and I was able to get one pic of the boys on the tube. I got video but it made me seasick just watching it....

Things are improving here in Clark and I hope things get much better in the future. There are a fair number of things in the mix right now with Rachel's job, and at this point, things can only improve.

On another fantastic note, we have put a deposit down on a puppy!!!!
We will be getting another hairy Mocha-dog, a wirehair pointer this September. It will be an adventure that's for sure.

Stay Tuned

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