Sunday, November 22, 2015

Deer Frustrations and Pheasants in the Bag

Living in the land of walleye, duck, and pheasants obviously has it's major perks. Growing up in the heartland of deer country however, has spoiled me. I have been out enough times to have tagged any deer, and yet, I haven't actually seen one while bow hunting around Clark. I have driven around, and seen plenty while pheasant hunting but it has been frustrating. This last Thursday it was rainy, cold, and windy and I was out to scout. I cannot believe the amount of pressure these public properties get around here. Between parking and walking in, I had four trucks do the slow drive by to see what the hell I was up to. Two trucks parked before I could get halfway into the Walk-in-Area. I tried rattling, and slow stalking before working my way to the far side of the property. I noticed one of the guys waited for the rain to abate before walking my direction. I figured he would go south, but before I knew it, he was bearing down on me.
It kind of happened in slow motion. He has no idea where I am so I stand and wave.
A rooster gets up and crosses between us.
I hit the deck just as the pellets smatter the CRP around me.
I stand back up and get the hell out of dodge.
Once he sees me stand up the second time, he waves and turns to go the direction I expected the first time....

I walk straight back to the car, busting many birds on my way, head home. Of course, I would see a bruiser on my way home...There are plenty of deer here, but it is a completely different game than back home.
Saturday morning I tried another giant public property west of town. 5 fricken trucks at the parking lot when I got there...
I drove around the section and tried another part of the property. I walked most of the way down a bigger shelterbelt and found a spot to set for the morning hunt. There were plenty of birds in the area and there was a mallard hen blasting away on the water behind me. There were two hunting groups on the marsh behind me and one of the guys called for 10 minutes straight. NON-STOP.

They were so close I could here their conversations.
"I don't like to chew when I drink cuz it gives me a headache in the morning."
I only chew when I drink. That shit is nasty."
Where are all of the ducks?"

Absolutely appalling. I know public is public but damn.
I heard a noise in the shelterbelt I was in and hoped that maybe the deer would be used to the heavy pressure. Instead, I figure out it is another guy in the middle of the belt. Later, I would find out that it's three guys.
At this point I am mentally done with bow deer. As I drive home I am beyond frustrated with the whole deer thing when it hits me.
People travel from all over the US to hunt deer in Iowa. People also travel from all over the US to pheasant hunt in South Dakota.
Rachel and I had an afternoon planned and we were to leave at noon sharp. I knew it was playing with fire so I decided to not try a quick morning hunt.
When I got home I stood in the doorway for a couple of minutes.
When I got in Mocha was off of the wall. She was jacked and ready to go.
I promised Rachel I would not screw up this afternoon...
I quick changed socks, grabbed the 20 gauge and hauled ass to a CREP field. I got there 3 minutes before legal time. As I got out of the car a guy drove past slowly, backed up and rolled his window down.
"You hunting the whole thing?"
Well, I was just going to follow the dog wherever she went but it's public."
Nah, I don't want to screw your hunt up."
"Seriously man, it's public, I honestly do not care at all."
"You sure?"
"Thanks man, I really appreciate it."
This would prove vital to my success.
Karma pays.
As Mocha and I worked the field, she caught scent and was off to the races. She crossed a fence(which was still public) and I was unable to get that far before she flushed the rooster. I took two shots, one dropping the far side leg. I watched as he sailed over the hill and I knew he was hit decently. I marked the area and would work my way over there later.
We worked the draw down the middle when I looked up to see a rooster bearing down on me from west. The other group was on the other side of the property, and they pushed this one right into my face.
As seems to be my trend, I drop the legs on the first shot, and then paste him on the follow-up. I turned south in the field and worked Mocha into the wind. We were unable to find another bird heading into the wind, but a small depression on the other side of the rise looked promising. As we neared the car sized pot-hole, a small buck popped up 15 yards away. Nothing huge but killable. I walked ten more steps before the other one wigged out and busted as well. Another dink of a buck, but if I was any closer, I could have clubbed it with my gun.
When we came to the end of the property line, we turned and worked our way down and back towards the car. I again, let Mocha do her thing and follow her path. There was another depression and I knew if there was a place that first rooster would have sailed into, this was the area. I walked slow and waited for the pup to get birdy. She gave me her signal and again was nose down buried in the grass. She locked up twice. Closer and closer.
When she finally had true lock-down, the bird flushed, slow to get out of the grass, and cackled the whole way up. This time I took one shot and dropped him. Mocha picked him up and pranced her way over to me. If dogs could give a shit-eating-grin, Mocha was the poster child. It was sickeningly satisfying to have two birds in hand, and in less than half an hour. We walked our way back to the car, but without that 3rd limit filler.

I was able to get back to home, clean birds, shower, and be waiting ready to go before Rachel got home. Win-Win.

We were able to spend some quality time together in town, and check out a small craft show in Watertown. It was not quite as glorious as we had expected, but nice to go anyway. We enjoyed dinner out, and finished off the evening with Mary Poppins and chocolate.

Today, I did some winter prep and Rachel granted me an afternoon chasing birds again. She said it was better for me and the dog to not spend the day in the apartment. It was windy as usual but we needed the exercise.
It didn't take to long before we found a rooster. Into the sun, not a point flush but a rooster none-the-less. I need to work on my first shot as I dropped a leg on the first, and folded him on the second. Trending?...

We worked the field in long loops and she found a few more birds, one rooster I choose to pass as it was a seriously late hatch. We were taking water break when a basket rack 8 came right down the pipe at about 50 yards. He would have ended up in our lap if he hadn't caught me as I was standing up.
The rest of the day produced no more birds, but it was enjoyable to get out and walk a little.

 So, the deer thing has not exactly panned out for me here yet, but the roosters have been plentiful. This next week we have a lot planned so,

Stay Tuned

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