Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer at it's Finest

Nothing changes. Still busy working my butt off.

We finally got to move out of our old apartment!
Moving is always chaos but I would say this one went very well.

Once moved into or new place Ma delivered our 'new' pup; Mocha:

I would say she is adjusting well to her early retirement.

The next adventure we delved ourselves into was sweet corn. Nick's boss had a test plot get blasted by the Japanese beetles and we could get as much as we wanted. Like when we were younger, we shucked, washed, blanched, cooled, cut, and bagged. We had about 15 dozen total split between friends, Aaron and Amanda, and Skip and Megan. It came out to 28 pint bags and 7 quarts. 

Rachel even thought it would be great to try some ice cream so she made some awesome stuff:
My other en devour has been some tree propagation. It started with weeding at work and me keeping seedlings or seeds. Honey locust from seed, cottonwood from seed, hawthorn seedlings, oak seedlings, and elm seedlings.

All got moved to the new place, as well as a few added since, but my oaks took a big hit, as they do not transplant well. My Locusts are flourishing nicely.

I have done minimal fishing, and have had very little, to no time for the shop. With the hunting seasons just around the corner, things are just about to get good again.

Stay Tuned

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