Monday, November 12, 2012

Bow Camp

This has turned out to be a rather difficult season all-around. This bow camp was no exception. Friday evening the guys got out before I made it out to the house. Lisa was just leaving for a meeting when I got there. No deer shot and not much for shot opportunities. We had brats and backstraps for supper. In all honesty, everyone seemed stressed. It was still great hang out and talk deer, but there was a tension about the clan.

Saturday morning. Kurt, Michael, Poindexter, and myself headed for the public. Long walk for everyone, although I branched off to hunt my turkey corner. Ten minutes after sun-up these two guys pull a loop and set up 80 yards from me. Turkey hunters. I stand up and wave to them, so in the event a bird comes, I don't get peppered. They stop, look, and then bury themselves into the brambles. It's good to know there are inconsiderate bastards no matter where you go. As soon as they leave I get up, swap out some clothing as it is heating up fast, and head to the big field to glass for awhile. Walking out the guys tell me they saw three big deer. Nick and Michael saw a brute, and almost got a shot, but they don't get big being dumb. As we continue to walk out I tell the guys about the turkey hunters. We get 20 yards from them before I notice them standing on the field edge on the trail. I stopped to inquire about their morning. I asked them why they still set up next to me, and that I was there well before they were. No recollection of me being there. Struck by blindness they were. Nick and Michael both noted that their gun safety skills were deplorable. Gun barrels were swinging the entire conversation. Breakfast of Biscuits and gravy, eggs, and a half gallon of milk if you are Kurt.
Nap time. Afternoon hunt Rachel joined us. She went home Friday evening as there was a baby shower for her cousin Saturday morning.
Saturday Evening. HOT and WINDY. The storm front was making its way in but it was still upper 70's and windy as hell. Nick sent Rachel and I to a field edge stand. I brought a hanger stand with so I could just sit in the tree with Rachel. Got to the stand with plenty of time so I could have time to set up the hanger. I got up the tree and in the ladder stand to set it up. I got the first strap on and cinched. I got onto the stand to put on the second strap. I was standing, but crouching, when my world came crumbling down. Literally.

One second I am standing in the tree, the next I am on the ground, ears ringing, back throbbing. I don't know what happened. Rachel stood over me and all she could muster was, "Are you ok????"I just laid on the ground trying to catch my breath. I was sweating profusely, and my back was killing me. "Is your leg ok????" She must have seen something I didn't, but my legs were fine. At this point I could only do the most logical thing. I laughed; hysterically. When I regained composure I told Rachel I was ok and wanted to hunt anyway. The stand stayed on the ground and so did I. It was the most uncomfortable sit of my life. I drifted in and out for the better part of an hour, the pain in my tailbone becoming more and more prevalent.
I looked around the tree to see three does filter into the field. I looked up at Rachel waiting for her to see them as well. See looks down at me, and motions if she should shoot. I said no does tonight but I was not about to turn down an opportunity. I managed to stand behind the tree and range them at every step. We waited close to twenty minutes before a shot presented itself. Nick set up across the woods, and was able to see the whole thing unfold. At one point he even texted me to stop moving as he could see me from a couple hundred yards away. I sat still long enough to watch Rachel launch and arrow. She managed to hit her coat with the string which gave the doe a jump on the string. The arrow hit, and she barreled across the field. Tracking in the dark was impossible with crappy flashlights and I was in a bad way. I hobbled my way across the field to the truck. Everyone at camp headed back out but me. Ice, and goo-goo-bombs. A friend of Nick's stopped by with his daughter for dinner and he brought his daughter. We hung out and talked deer while they searched. They came back for dinner with no deer. After venison stew, they continued the search. Lisa, Dad, the kid-let, and myself stayed at the house. No deer in the end. It was determined a non-fatal hit. Everyone was as the trend held, rather edgy and borderline grumpy. Rachel drove us back to our apartment where ice and sleep awaited.

Sunday morning. Rachel and I slept in. Found out later so did everyone else. Weather was super crappy and it wasn't worth it. We didn't get back out to the house until late afternoon. Cold hunt for the guys. Made burgers, and brats and made sure they were ready to eat when they got back. All were cold, Michael was an icicle. Camp disbanded abruptly and that was that. End of camp 2012.

Sore today. Neck, elbow, tailbone, and found out thanks to a co-worker, my ribs are tender as well. My back no longer sounds like rice krispies when I bend over. Could have been much worse.

Stay Tuned

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