Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Got out last Thursday to do some catfishing with Poindexter. It was nothing spectacular or a serious undertaking, just an evening on the river. I was only able to catch the two cats that night, but Nick didn't seem to care. It was nice to just get on the river again. We even had an odd conversation with some canoers about big 8ft black thing they saw on sandbar....ok....

Pics of the two cats:

Stay Tuned

Week Off

As usual, need to do a better job with updates...

The week after I was finished with school forever, I drove up to Al and Karin's for a week of whatever was thrown my way. I got there in the rain and wind and Kate was at the camper (provided by some friends) with the kids. It was wonderful to be greeted in such a way!
Throughout the week I was able to hang out with my aunt and uncle and was even able to assist my Uncle Al in cutting a significant amount of firewood. There were many a project here and there, but the wood made up the bulk of our time. Al even saved a boat-load of walnut for me to do what I please. I was even able to go to a graduation, and trap night. On the way back from the graduation we watch a HUGE meteor blaze through the sky above us. It was like nothing I have ever seen before.
 Joan Smith was a gracious host whom allowed me to sleep in a comfortable bed for the week. It was wonderful to have a sanctuary at the end of the day. 

I needed the visit more than I possibly could have thought. I was not easy to see the farm like that, but I needed to help do something. It was nice to sit out on the new campfire spot (old pinkhouse location) and just hang out with my uncle. Like anything, it will get better with time. Can't wait to get back up there.

Stay Tuned

Friday, May 4, 2012

Hard Earned Public Jake

Asked the boss (Thank you...) if I could show up a little late for the last day of work. He knew what I was up to and had no objections. 

Got to the parking lot at 4:50am. No one there. This is always a good thing! Three minutes before the first truck pulls in. Talked to the first guy whom has been hunting this property hard as well. We develop our game plans which worked out just fine and then the third guy shows up. Guy 1 leaves as his walk is a little farther; guy 2 asks where I planned to hunt and I tell him exactly where he had planned. First come, first serve. He was another ISU student and was not a jerk about it. We parted ways and I made my way into the thick timber. DENSE. I could barely see through the timber. I found my open oak flat and set out a lone hen decoy. I set myself up against a large white oak and waited for light to come. First light as usual for this property came and went without a gobble. A couple of gobbles finally interrupted the silence. One lit from its tree in the ravine below me. Monkeys throwing bricks every time. I sat for a half hour and knew there were no birds in my vicinity. I thought about moving and was stretching from my spot when I spook a deer right in front of me. About pissed myself. I get a little edgy in the morning...and then it happened:
A large bird gobbled behind me. I turned before he came into view. A large strutting gobbler drummed and spit his way to my decoy. He pivoted and gobbled again. Click. Bead finds the neck. BOOM! Gobbler down in the flat....OKAY, so that's not exactly how it happened.
As I sat at my tree becoming increasingly fidgety, I look to my right and see a red and blue head behind my decoy. !!! As usual I about piss myself. I reach for my gun before I realize what I am doing. He busted me. He sat there and stared at me. I waited for him to go behind another large tree so I can swing and shoot. As soon as he moves I swing and click off the safety. He takes two more steps, just enough for me to see a tiny little beard sticking out. BOOM! I pop up and run to him as his flopping could send him much farther down the ravine than I wished to deal with. I now have another public land turkey. This property is absolutely pounded, and I was still able to get a bird. No it is not a huge longbeard, but it meant that I won. People or no people, I was able to "outsmart"...a bird. Luck may have played a small part. Ha!
Pictures are of course a must:

The flat I was on was spectacular. It would have be a wonderful hunt even without the bird. I just love trees!
Had to have some Buick pics, as well as proof that I never hunt alone whether I want to or not:

 This bird ended up being 16 lbs 5 oz, 4 inch beard, 1/4" spurs. Not too shabby. 

Tonight Rachel cooks up my turkey with some of her homemade pasta excellence. Friends will join in the festivities as Rachel is done with her first year of vet school, and I have completed my college education. Time flies when you are having fun (or busy as hell).

Stay Tuned