Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Company Whilst Splitting

After work I took some time to split as much of the wood as I could that I and Rachel have been collecting for our apartment. In doing so I hit a cherry log, glancing of the side. When I turned the log to get a better whack, this not so little creature showed itself.
To give a little bit of size reference here it is next to my hand
This was a cool creature to come across during my wood splitting, plus I needed a break. 

Stay Tuned

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


It's been a great summer so far but getting out and having my adventures has been difficult with a full schedule. Today I was finally able to get out and do my thing. I went against the Geneva-Convention today by cutting firewood alone, but took great caution all around to avoid anything terrible. With that, I was able to cut wood at at property I work on with the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation in 2009, as well as work on again last week. Because of my awesomeness, I got a wood permit and away I go. I am in need of standing dead trees so Rachel and I can have a warm apartment this winter. My former boss was a girdling king and thus there were plenty of trees for cutting. I even managed to find an intern's oops and found a standing dead oak. PRIME. I got out to the spot to have discovered I forgot gas. Thank you Dad for the full tank. Well, I was not about to leave my new firewood so I did the only thing I could do without finding a truck:

I knew the old Buick had it in her. Kind of a hairy drive to Nick's house but nevertheless got the job done. And, for Dad, I laid down BOTH plastic and cardboard in the back.
At the point of getting to Nick's place I was exhausted and ready to go home. I prayed for a second pair of hands to help me unload. Out of nowhere, one of the neighbor's kids came over and asked if I wanted some help. Unreal. Ben was a nice kid and I am sure that is not the last time I will see him. When I got back to the apartment, Rachel had not only cleaned my apartment for me, she had dinner waiting with a batch of chocolate chip cookies cooling on the counter. I will keep her.
Great day on earth.

Stay Tuned